The truth about being a Christian it's all about pure relationship first and foremost having a relationship with the Father through the Holy Spirit in Christ in Love by His Grace.
Then it is also having relationship with others that they may know the same type of relationship that you should have with the God head.
This then when you put them together it gives you a cross, and that is what it is all about.
They can only come together when you have both in your life; but sadly today many a person who calls themselfs Christian only has one or the other.
When you come to salvation it is not just all about you and what God can bring about in your life; but it's about you laying down your life for all others that God may bring into it.
Upon reciveing salvation into your life God calls you to give it up so that you will reap everlasting life. The way that it happens is from then on God will improve your life by you alowing Him to lead you in to a life liked to Jesus, sacrficeing it from then on in for others.
This is what is called takeing up your cross. Amen
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